Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Been gone for awhile.

I see it has been awhile since I posted anything. We have been busy or the time would not have gone by so fast but it seems that I did not have anything to talk about. Well I do now. It is snowing or at least it was. We got the first snow of the year around here this morning. I didn't think we would get any but I was wrong this time. When ever the weatherman talks about snow or rain or anything like that it seems that it just goes right around us. We live in what is called the brown hole. Yes you heard me right the brown hole. I have even heard it called that by some weathermen. Let me explain. Our particular geographical location has us surrounded on almost 3 sides by mountains. So when we get storms the have a tendency to start to the north of us, begin to head south strait for us and then turn to the west around us towards Canon City. Move south and then angle back to the east again to hit Walsenburg.

If you do not believe me I will give you a good example. A couple of years ago there was a huge storm coming in. Everyone was getting prepared for it, and it did dump a lot of snow. Just not on us! Everyone in all four directions around us got snow and a lot of it, shutting down the roads and everything. Did we get anything? NOPE, I even went to work that day.Needless to say I did not think that we would get anything today. It is still snowing right now but it does not seem to be sticking yet.

 I talked to my son this morning,who lives in Greeley, and they had several big branches fall out of the trees around the house and even one that took down the power line in his back yard. They are telling him that they will not get the power on for a day or two. I hope he will be alright. He may be 25 but I still worry about him. Guess I will go for now.  We will see what the rest of the day brings.Stay warm everyone!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Holiday Weekend!

Good morning everyone. It is the morning of July 3rd. Today is the birthday of my oldest child. He turns 25 today. Man they grow up so fast!! We are spending the holiday weekend here at the cabin as we always do. Last year at this time we were starting the biggest project we have ever had here at the cabin. We basicly gutted it. So it is nice to be up here with nothing more major than to do some paint touch ups around the cabin. It is about 6:30 in the morning and I am the only one up right now. I am sitting out on the front porch drinking my coffee and keeping an eye on the boys. They have never been to the cabin before and they are doing pretty good so far. We arrived yesterday and they had a blast just running around doing what dogs do. This morning has been a little different. It is quiet yet with no one else up and around yet and every little noise sets Ivan off in a barking fit. Nature and wildlife prove to be a bit overwhelming at times and he can no longer contain himself. He things that he has to chase it or bark at it!! So far he has listened to me and came back but I do have to keep a close eye on him. Not bad for a 1 year old St Bernard puppy!! And of course Duddley will always back him up unless it calls for run, then he will just sit back, watch and bark his encouragement. Duddley has some joint issues so he doesn't like to go far. There are just so many new sounds and smells for them to deal with here!! Guess I better go for now. People will start getting up soon and chase away the quiet of the morning. Have happy and safe 4th!!

Friday, May 13, 2011

Anybody out there??

OK, so it has been a long time since I have posted anything. I think that I have been disillusioned a bit about posting on this blog. Most times I feel there is no one out there to here what I say so why waste my time. Also it has been pretty dull around here. Not much going on till lately. Last weekend we went to Greeley to watch our oldest son graduate from the University of Northern Colorado with a degree in engineering physics. It took him 6 years but he is done and HAS A JOB! It was nice to spend some time with him as we do not get to see him very often anymore but had the feeling that we were in the way a bit. You know how it is being the parents and the rest of the group is the same age as your child. I think they were waiting for us to leave so they could party. Still I am very proud of everything my son has accomplished with his time in college. I could list every outstanding thing he has done but will not bore you with the details.

Oh yes I have some news to share, the hubby finally got his walking papers with his company. He had 27 years with them and they decided to let him go. His last official day will be the 22nd of May but he has not actual worked with them for about 6 weeks now. They gave him two months to find a job on their dime. He did get an interview with a company here in Pueblo and did get a call back for a 5 hour interview but have not heard back from them to say yeah or nay yet. There is not much for him around here so he may have to expand his search a bit farther than just Pueblo, which means that he may have to commute in the near future. I hope something comes up, it is starting to get a bit nerve wracking.

Our youngest is getting ready to graduate from high school. So we have been getting the house ready for the big party. Spent all day yesterday cleaning out the fish pond after the winter. That was really gross!! My two Saint Bernard's use it as their water bucket plus all the hair that they lose goes right into the pond, plus we found a couple of pieces of blanket at the bottom. We pulled out a wheelbarrow full of stuff and then drained the water, talk about a bad smell!! We then power washed the whole pond and then filled it back up. I am waiting for the chlorine to evaporate so I can put the remaining fish back in. (We found a couple of dead ones at the bottom.) I will get my lights working and we will be back in business. I enjoy sitting out there watching the fish.

Waiting for the weather to get a little bit warmer so that I can try to get a garden in this year. Did not have much luck last year plus I went back to work a year ago and that has put a big dent on my free time. We will see what happens. I guess that is all that is going on right now. Will try to stay a little more consistent about posting but no promises! Till next time!

Monday, January 17, 2011

New Year

Looks like it has been a month since my last post. I keep telling myself I need to post something but time gets away from me, so how about a little catch up. First there was Christmas. I had planned to post some pictures of our decorations and even a video of the outside lights (we have them on one of those Christmas carol timers so they flash with the music). Then the holiday itself (my family at our house this year). I could go on about all the years we traveled during the holidays but I will not bore you. Then two days after Christmas the hubby and I left the world behind and went to Maui!! Yes I said Maui. We got to spend 8 days there with some good friends of ours and had a relaxing time. We went whale watching, did a luau, did the drive to Hana and a two mile hike to one of the most beautiful waterfalls on the island.

We stayed in a condo that was right on the beach so every morning we woke up to the sound of the ocean.

Unfortunately time in Paradise came to an end and we had to return to the cold weather and snow. A couple of days after our return we woke up to this. Snow and below zero temperatures which in turn gave me a very bad cold keeping me in bed for three days. I am just now feeling better. Well I guess that is about all that is going on around here right now. Look forward to warmer weather and getting the rest of the decorations down outside. The snow is mostly gone now and I should not complain about it as we need the moisture but when you are not feeling your best nothing makes you happy. Keep warm and stay dry!