Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Holiday Weekend!

Good morning everyone. It is the morning of July 3rd. Today is the birthday of my oldest child. He turns 25 today. Man they grow up so fast!! We are spending the holiday weekend here at the cabin as we always do. Last year at this time we were starting the biggest project we have ever had here at the cabin. We basicly gutted it. So it is nice to be up here with nothing more major than to do some paint touch ups around the cabin. It is about 6:30 in the morning and I am the only one up right now. I am sitting out on the front porch drinking my coffee and keeping an eye on the boys. They have never been to the cabin before and they are doing pretty good so far. We arrived yesterday and they had a blast just running around doing what dogs do. This morning has been a little different. It is quiet yet with no one else up and around yet and every little noise sets Ivan off in a barking fit. Nature and wildlife prove to be a bit overwhelming at times and he can no longer contain himself. He things that he has to chase it or bark at it!! So far he has listened to me and came back but I do have to keep a close eye on him. Not bad for a 1 year old St Bernard puppy!! And of course Duddley will always back him up unless it calls for run, then he will just sit back, watch and bark his encouragement. Duddley has some joint issues so he doesn't like to go far. There are just so many new sounds and smells for them to deal with here!! Guess I better go for now. People will start getting up soon and chase away the quiet of the morning. Have happy and safe 4th!!


  1. Holy Cow 25 years old, I remember him when...

  2. Isn't it nice to be able to sit in the peace and quiet of this beautiful valley and soak in nature? I am sure the boys will learn their way around after several visits. All of our pups, with exception of George, stick close to home and listen well to commands. George always comes back, but usually on his own terms! Glad you were able to enjoy your cabin this year instead of working so hard to fix it up.

  3. Hi Kuhns Acres! Thanks for visiting my blog. I followed the trail back to your blog - it's fun to find another Colorado blogger.
